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The Customer Facing Goals online course focuses on the enablement aspect of Customer Success. Providing you with step-by-step guides on how to create positive and meaningful experiences with your customers. 


​The course includes:​

  • 20 sessions of tangible, actionable, easy to implement best practices for Customer Success.

  • Templates, worksheets & easy to use guides to help you implement what you've learned.

  • Customer stories & examples.


The results:

  • Feel more confident in your customer work, the quality of your work and the overall value you are providing within your business.

  • Create an uninterrupted work environment in which your customers are still getting all the answers they need!

  • Adopt systematic step-by-step processes to follow for any customer situation.

  • Work more professionally and less emotionally.

  • Increase customer retention, satisfaction and loyalty

  • Be focused on the things that make you truly happy!

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